Social Signage? What’s that?!
Social signage, digital signage, what’s that and what's the difference?
Digital signage and social signage are ubiquitous terms so some people ask what's that .In almost every public location you can find some form of sign that can be classed as ‘digital’ in nature. Whether they are in airports, concerts, museums or sports stadia digital signage is used throughout the world for many different functions. From simply displaying train times on an electronic board to showing instant video replays at sports games, digital signage and screens are nearly always found in venues which involve people.
Most of the time however, the communication is completely ‘one-way’ towards the consumers and/or audience involved. This is where we think ‘social signage’ can really play a part in enhancing this communication between event and consumer. Instead of continuing to fire out messages at your audience, why not incorporate Twitter in this space? Doing so instantly brings in a significantly wider audience that that of the venue alone. Displaying top tweets from across the Twitter-sphere can make your audience feel instantly involved whereas with digital signage alone, no conversation existed.
The use of mobile clearly plays a big part here, as especially in a venue itself it will be the platform of communication on the part of the crowd. Live tweets that will be displayed inside a venue of course, could come from anywhere in the world. Nowsignage provides the levels of control essential to live monitoring and publishing of social comments, ensuring only the best are displayed publicly, and the negatives are segregated and stored for future improvements. As mobile use of social networks increases year on year, we see social interactions at live events through electronic ‘social signage’ become and event staple.